In Memory

Robert Ludwig - Class Of 1975

Added by Brian Keller 06-09-18

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12/30/18 03:33 PM #1    

Brian Keller (1975)

The first time I saw Bob was in PE when we were freshmen. I watched him do the “Peg Board” in the room next to the wrestling room. He was able to move each peg in order without fail. Very impressive! Our paths crossed over the next 4 years but we were not friends in school. About 5 years after we graduated, Bob took a job at TRW in Redondo Beach. He was part of the apprenticeship program to become an electrician. I started there about a year later in the same program. Over the next 25 years, we worked side by side on many jobs. Always a pleasure to work with, Bob was one of the best electricians there. Bob made his home in Southwood as I did. Our kids went to West High together and his son was in some of the same classes as my daughter. I was able to retire in 2005 and only saw Bob occasionally after that. I heard from a former coworker that Bob had brain cancer and a few months later I learned that he had passed away. I have always missed his sense of humor. 

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